Health, the state of being free from illness or injury is a common thing in human life. We are as a human being should live the life and appreciate all the blessing we get. To appreciate our body and use it to strive ‘til the end. There are a lot of ways to help us stay healthy and has a good stamina. We may do sport, easy exercise, eat healthy food, or having a good quality sleep. In addition, we should keep a positive mind to make our mental health stay fine during hard times.


Nowadays, especially in this pandemic season, people do tired. Since it was pretty hard to find proper job on the beginning pandemic or people got fired those days, people struggled a lot. They do any job to survive and provide their own life. After several times, world is reclimbing to the better situations. Many activities go back to normal with several rules. People do work. Personally, my job is continuing since the beginning of pandemic. We didn’t work at home at all. To make sure the exporting goes smoothly, we work even harder all of the time. I’m seeing many people come and go on the dark. We also take extra hours to do our job. Although we don’t want it, it a must for us. Yes, we do get a lot of money, but we lost our sleep, we have a bad mental health, and we rarely stay at home. Many employees affected covid 19, hundreds in our company. It may be caused by our low stamina since we work all of the time. Day by day, we also heard some people passed away.


This case reminds us that sometimes we rule out health over money. We think that we are strong enough to pass everything. But the reality is wrong. People affected and some of them died. We should care more about our health. We should do proper healthy life and live happily. Its all because when we are healthy, everything will be better. And the important thing is money can’t buy healthiness.




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