
From this poetry we can find a habit that the characters often do, as:

·         1st stanza, 1st line

The whiskey on your breath  

The word whiskey shows that the father on this family often drunk when he’s home


·         2nd stanza, 1st – 2nd line

            We romped until the pans  

Slid from the kitchen shelf;

The word romped shows that the father and the child always playing along together


·         2nd stanza, 3rd – 4th line

My mother’s countenance

Could not unfrown itself.


            The word countenance shows that the mother often mad when her

husband and child playing around the kitchen


·         3rd stanza, 4th line

            My right ear scraped a buckle.

            The word scraped shows that sometimes the father abuses his child


4th stanza, 3rd – 4th line

                Then waltzed me off to bed   

Still clinging to your shirt.


These two sentences show that although the father abused his child, the child still accept and get along with his father




Father figure on My Papa’s Waltz is the highest position on the family. This concept is called patriarchy – rule of the father. Patriarchy means a general structure which men have higher power than women. In this poetry the father get easily to abuse his child without his wife’s resistance.




This poetry has two main points, love and fear. The child loves his father but he also afraid of him because he is such an abusive father.


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